Nama : Rio
Fernando Pratama
Kelas : XII
Mapel : Bahasa
Yth. Guru Bahasa
Inggris dan teman-teman yang saya sayangi
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Pertama-tama, saya
ingin menyampaikan pidato saya yang berjudul berlibur ke pantai
Pada hari minggu, tepatnya pada
tanggal 31 desember 2016 yang lalu. Aku dan keluargaku berlibur ke pantai Panjang,
kota Bengkulu. Rencanya kami akan menyambut tahun baru di Bengkulu. Sebelum
kami berangkat ke Bengkulu kami kerumah nenek di kota Lubuk Linggau. Karena
kebetulan nenek dan tanteku juga mau liburan ke pantai Panjang, Bengkulu.
Sesampai di Lubuk Linggau kami menyiapkan keperluan untuk disana.
harinya, kamipun berangkat. Di perjalanan kami melihat indahnya pemandangan di
kiri kanan jalan. Kami istirahat sejenak di Curup sekedar untuk menghilangkan
penat sambil menikmati indahnya taman bunga dan kebun strawberry di tempat itu.
Kamipun melanjutkan perjalanan. Setelah kurang lebih 4 jam akhirnya kami sampai
di kota Bengkulu. Dari awal berangkat kami sudah membuat rencana kami akan
tidur di pinggir pantai dengan membuat tenda.
saat kemudian kami sampai di pantai Panjang, kebetulan hari sudah sore, kami
segera mencari tempat untuk membuat tenda karena posisi waktu itu pengunjung
pantai sangat ramai. Tanpa diduga hujan turun deras kamipun kebingungan karena
anak tanteku masih sangat kecil. Akhirnya dengan kesepakatan bersama keluarga,
kamipun memilih untuk mencari penginapan disekitar pantai. Sayangnya semua
penginapan sudah penuh. Akhirnya kami dapat salah satu hotel di daerah itu tapi
kami hanya dapat kamar cadangan hanya satu kamar. Akhirnya kami semua tidur di
dalam satu kamar. Malam tahun baru ini diluar rencana, malam tahun baru kami
semua tertidur karena hujan deras. Keesokan harinya kami pulang kembali ke
Lubuk Linggau.
mengakhiri pidato saya, saya ingin menyimpulkan, sebelum melakukan perjalanan
khususnya bagi yang memerlukan penginapan hendaknya dipersiapkan terlebih
dahulu sebelum melakukan berpergian.
Saya pikir itu semua tentang pidato saya. Terimah kasih banyak atas
Name : Rio Fernando Pratama
Bahasa inggris
honourable my English teacher and my beloved friends
of all, I would like to present my speech entitled Vacation on the Beach.
On Sunday, precisely on the 31st
December 2016 ago. Me and my family vacationing to Panjang Beach, Bengkulu
city. Our plan will be to welcome the new year in Bengkulu. Before we left for
Bengkulu we went to grandma’s house in Lubuk Linggau city. Because coincidentally
my grandma and my aunt also want a vacation to the panjang beach, Bengkulu.
When we arrived at the bottom of the phallus we prepared everything there.
The next day, we also departed. On
the trip we saw beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. We rested for a
moment in Curup just to relieve fatigue while enjoying the beautiful flower
gardens and strawberry gardens in that place. We continued the journey. After
about four hours we finally arrived in the town of Bengkulu. From the start we
had made plans we would sleep on the beach by making tents.
A few moments later, we arrived at a
Panjang beach. Coincidentally it was late afternoon, we immediately looked for
a place to make a tent because the position at that time was very crowded beach
visitors. Unexpectedly heavy rain fell we were confused because my child is
still very small. Finally with an agreement with the family, we chose to look
for lodging around the beach. Unfortunately all the lodgings were full, we
finally got one of the hotels in the area but we only got a spare room, only
one room. This new year’s eve is out of plan. New year’s eve is out of plan.
New year’s eve we all fell asleep because of heavy rain. The next day we went
back to Lubuk Linggau.
To end my speech, I would like to
conclude before traveling, especially for those who need lodging should be
prepared before traveling. I think it’s all about my speech, thank you very
much for your review.
This is how my associate Wesley Virgin's biography begins in this shocking and controversial VIDEO.
BalasHapusAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he revealed hidden, "mind control" tactics that the CIA and others used to get anything they want.
THESE are the EXACT same methods many famous people (notably those who "come out of nothing") and top business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know that you use only 10% of your brain.
That's because most of your BRAINPOWER is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe this expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about 7 years back, while riding a non-registered, beat-up trash bucket of a car without a driver's license and $3 in his pocket.
"I'm absolutely frustrated with going through life payroll to payroll! When will I get my big break?"
You took part in those types of conversations, ain't it so?
Your very own success story is waiting to be written. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.
Numpang promo ya Admin^^
mau dapat penghasil4n dengan cara lebih mudah....
mari segera bergabung dengan kami.....
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